Greetings! Happy Spring! Here are some tips to keep your tires in top condition:
Spring in Florida means rising temperatures, increased humidity, and unpredictable rain showers. Here are some essential tire care tips to keep your vehicle safe and running smoothly: Check Tire Pressure Regularly Warmer temperatures can cause tire pressure to rise, leading to overin...
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Written on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 by Permalink |
Greetings! Happy Winter! Here are some tips to keep your tires in top condition:
Check Tire Pressure Regularly Cooler temperatures can cause tire pressure to drop. Underinflated tires reduce fuel efficiency and increase wear. Use a tire gauge to check your pressure monthly and adjust according to the manufacturer's recommendation.Inspect Tread Depth Florida roads can be slippe...
Written on Monday, February 3, 2025 by Permalink |
Check Tire Pressure Regularly Cooler temperatures can cause tire pressure to drop. Underinflated tires reduce fuel efficiency and increase wear. Use a tire gauge to check your pressure monthly and adjust according to the manufacturer's recommendation. Inspect Tread Depth Flori...
Written on Thursday, January 2, 2025 by Permalink |
December 2024 Newsletter
Greetings! Happy Winter! Here are some tips to keep your tires in top condition: Check Tire Pressure Regularly Cooler temperatures can cause tire pressure to drop. Underinflated tires reduce fuel efficiency and increase wear. Use a tire gauge to check your pressure monthly and adjust ac...
Written on Monday, December 2, 2024 by Permalink |
November 2024 Newsletter
Greetings! Happy Fall! Here are some tips to keep your tires in top condition: Check Tire Pressure Regularly As temperatures start to fluctuate, tire pressure can drop. Even in Florida's mild fall, cooler mornings can lead to under-inflated tires. Check your tire pressure at least once ...
Written on Wednesday, November 6, 2024 by Permalink |
November 2019 Newsletter
It's hard to believe it is November already! This month can be extremely busy; between traveling for Thanksgiving and purchasing gifts for the holidays. That is why Tire Hut is here to help. Make sure your vehicle is in shape for traveling. Don't forget that we are still in hurricane season....
Written on Saturday, November 2, 2019 by Net Permalink |
October 2019 Newsletter
October is a ghooling month where even adults become kids. Adults and kids dress up in their costumes and go to parties and have fun. But before you go, make sure your car is dressed up. Make sure your vehicle has new shoes (tires), and insides are ok (oil change, check belts, etc). Then you can go ...
Written on Tuesday, October 1, 2019 by Doug Permalink |
September 2019 Newsletter
Be prepared this hurricane season with these helpful tips: *A storm tracker from the National Hurricane Center *A guide on how to build a disaster supply kit *FEMA evacuation guidelines on what to do before during and after *A guide on how to prepare your pets Tire Hut is grateful f...
Written on Tuesday, September 3, 2019 by Permalink |
July 2019 Newsletter
Happy 4th of July! Make sure to get your car checked out so you can go on vacations safely this summer. Tire Hut has some great specials going on. Please check them out below. Make sure your car is in tip-top shape: you need an oil change every 3000-5000 miles, you need to rotate your tires every ...
Written on Tuesday, July 2, 2019 by Permalink |
June 2019 Newsletter
June is the start of hurricane season and summer vacations. You do not want to get caught with racing slicks. Please make sure there is ample tread on your tires so you do not hydroplane in the rain. Get your car checked out so you can go on vacations safely and have a Happy Father's Day and 4th of ...
Written on Thursday, June 6, 2019 by Permalink |
May 2019 Newsletter
It's hard to believe it's May already! Happy Mother's Day to all of the Moms out there. Also, congratulations to all of the graduates! Tire Hut has some great specials this month. Please check them out below. Make sure your car is in tip-top shape: you need an oil change every 3000-5000 miles, you...
Written on Monday, May 6, 2019 by Permalink |
April 2019 Newsletter
April is here! We would like to wish you and your family a Happy Easter and Passover! Don't be fooled! Tire Hut has some great specials going on this month. Please check them out below. Make sure your car is in tip-top shape: you need an oil change every 3000-5000 miles, you need to rotate your ti...
Written on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 by Permalink |
March 2019 Newsletter
Happy St. Patrick's Day! I hope we all have the luck of the Irish!! Maybe that luck will help with March Madness! Accordingly, Tire Hut has some great specials this month. Please check them out below.Tire Hut will meet or beat all written or advertised price quotes. We will not be undersold. All pur...
Written on Friday, March 1, 2019 by Permalink |
February 2019 Newsletter
February is a busy month with Valentine's Day and President's Day. Accordingly, Tire Hut has some great February specials. Show your car some love this month and check them out below.Tire Hut will meet or beat all written or advertised price quotes. We will not be undersold. All purchases of tires i...
Written on Tuesday, February 5, 2019 by Permalink |
January 2019 Newsletter
Tire Hut would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year! We are proud to be celebrating our 39th Anniversary this year. Please enjoy 39% off oil changes, wiper blades and brakes this month. Please see Service Specials below for full details.Tire Hut will meet or beat all written or advertised pri...
Written on Friday, January 4, 2019 by Permalink |
December 2018 Newsletter
Tire Hut would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Holiday Season! December is a crazy month! Between traveling, buying gifts, and party hopping don't forget to make sure your car is in tip-top shape. Windshield Wipers make awesome stocking stuffers! Also, please see below for Tire Hut's gift car...
Written on Tuesday, December 4, 2018 by Permalink |
November 2018 Newsletter
It's hard to believe it is November already! November can be an extremely busy month; between traveling for Thanksgiving for many and purchasing gifts for the holidays. That is why Tire Hut is here to help. Make sure your vehicle is in shape for any traveling also please see below for Tire Hut's fla...
Written on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 by Permalink |
October 2018 Newsletter
Tire HutOctober is a ghooling month where even adults become kids. Adults and kids dress up in their costumes and go to parties and have fun. But before you go, make sure your car is dressed up. Make sure your vehicle has new shoes (tires), and insides are ok (oil change, check belts, etc). Then you...
Written on Wednesday, October 3, 2018 by Permalink |
September 2018 Newsletter
The summer is coming to an end and everybody is looking forward to that family vacation over Labor Day weekend and during the High Holidays. Whether you are just going to the beach a few hours down the road or taking an extended road trip, here are some tips to help you enjoy the ride this fall. ...
Written on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 by Permalink |
August 2018 Newsletter
Are you preparing for a busy back-to-school season filled with busy mornings and after-school activities? Or perhaps you are preparing to send your child off to college. No matter what, back-to-school is busy for everyone and now is the perfect time to make sure your car is at the top of its class. ...
Written on Thursday, August 2, 2018 by Permalink |
June 2018 Newsletter
Written on Saturday, June 2, 2018 by Permalink |
May 2018 Newsletter
Written on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 by Permalink |
April 2018 Newsletter
Happy Easter and Passover! Tire Hut has some great specials this month. Please check them out below. Make sure your car is in tip-top shape: you need an oil change every 3000-5000 miles, you need to rotate your tires every 5000 miles, and efficient windshield wipers. These minor details can save y...
Written on Monday, April 9, 2018 by Permalink |
March 2018 Newsletter
Happy St. Patrick's Day! I hope we all have the luck of the Irish!! Maybe that luck will help with March Madness! Accordingly, Tire Hut has some great specials this month. Please check them out below. Show your car some love this month! Make sure your car is in tip-top shape: you need an oil chang...
Written on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 by Permalink |
February 2018 Newsletter
February is a busy month with Valentine's Day and President's Day. Accordingly, Tire Hut has some great February specials. Please check them out below. Show your car some love this month! Make sure your car is in tip-top shape: you need an oil change every 3000-5000 miles, you need to rotate your ...
Written on Friday, February 9, 2018 by Doug Permalink |
January 2018 Newsletter
Tire Hut would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year! We are proud to be celebrating our 38th Anniversary this year. Please enjoy 38% off oil changes, wiper blades and brakes this month. Please see Service Specials below for full details. If you didn't have time to give your car any attentio...
Written on Thursday, January 4, 2018 by Doug Permalink |
December 2017 Newsletter
Written on Wednesday, December 6, 2017 by Permalink |
November 2017 Newsletter
Written on Thursday, November 2, 2017 by Permalink |
October 2017 Newsletter
Special thoughts are to those who were affected by the recent hurricane in South Florida. It is our sincerest hope that you weathered the storm safely and with minimal to no damage. We want you to know that we are here to help you! The staff and I are proud to announce our Hurricane Relief specials...
Written on Wednesday, October 4, 2017 by Permalink |
September 2017 Newsletter
Written on Tuesday, September 5, 2017 by Permalink |
August Newsletter 2017
Written on Monday, August 7, 2017 by Permalink |
June 2017 Newsletter
June is the start of hurricane season and summer vacations. You do not want to get caught with racing slicks. Please make sure there is ample tread on your tires so you do not hydroplane in the rain. Make sure your car is in tip-top shape so you can go on vacations safely and have a Happy Father's...
Written on Monday, June 12, 2017 by Permalink |
May 2017 Newsletter
It's hard to believe it's May already! Happy Mother's Day to all of the Moms out there. Also, congratulations to all of the graduates! Tire Hut has some great specials this month. Please check them out below. But if you haven't already make sure your car is in tip-top shape: make sure you've had...
Written on Thursday, May 4, 2017 by Permalink |
April 2017 Newsletter
Happy Easter and Passover!! Also, Spring Break is this month and many of you will be traveling. Accordingly, Tire Hut has some great specials this month. Please check them out below. But if you haven't already make sure your car is in tip-top shape: make sure you've had an oil change recently (e...
Written on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 by Permalink |
March 2017 Newsletter
Happy St. Patrick's Day!! I hope we all have the luck of the Irish!! Maybe that luck will help with March Madness! Accordingly, Tire Hut has some great specials this month. Please check them out below. But if you haven't already make sure your car is in tip-top shape: make sure you've had an oil...
Written on Friday, March 10, 2017 by Permalink |
January 2017 Newsletter
Tire Hut would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year!! January is back to reality. Back to work, back to school, and back to the grind. So if you didn't have time to give your car any attention over the holiday season, now is the time. Make sure your car is in tip-top shape: make s...
Written on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 by Permalink |
December 2016 Newsletter
Tire Hut would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Holiday Season!! December is a crazy month! Between traveling, buying gifts, and party hopping don't forget to make sure your car is in tip-top shape. Windshield Wipers make awesome stocking stuffers!! Also, please see below for Tire Hut's ...
Written on Thursday, December 15, 2016 by Permalink |
November 2016 Newsletter
It's hard to believe it is November already! November can be an extremely busy month; between traveling for Thanksgiving for many and purchasing gifts for the holidays. That is why Tire Hut is here to help. Make sure your vehicle is in shape for any traveling also please see below for Ti...
Written on Thursday, November 17, 2016 by Permalink |
October 2016 Newsletter
October is a ghooling month where even adults become kids. Adults and kids dress-up in their costumes and go to parties and have fun. But before you go, make sure your car is dressed up. Make sure your vehicle has new shoes (tires), and insides are ok (oil change, check belts, etc). ...
Written on Monday, October 17, 2016 by Permalink |
September 2016 Newsletter
September is back to school and back to reality. As we get everyone ready to go back to school or college, please remember to check that your cars are in tip-top shape. Also please make sure your car is prepared for hurricane season. So please make sure your car has tires with a sufficient a...
Written on Friday, September 9, 2016 by Permalink |
August 2016 Newsletter
ts hard to believe it is August already, back to school and back to reality. I hope everyone had a fantastic summer!! As we get everyone ready to go back to school or college, please remember to check that your cars are in tip-top shape. So please make sure your car has tires with a sufficient amoun...
Written on Monday, August 8, 2016 by Permalink |
July 2016 Newsletter
Happy Fourth of July!! I hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday. Tire Hut would like to thank all of our military, coastguard, police and firefighters. Please see below for special coupons. But July is also Hurricane season in South Florida. So please make sure your...
Written on Wednesday, July 6, 2016 by Permalink |
June Newsletter 2016
Congratulations to all of our Grads and Dads!! June marks graduation season, the beginning of summer, and Father's Day. As such, Tire Hut is responding to all of the Grads and Dads with giant coupons and savings to mark this double occasion. But June is also the beginning of Hurric...
Written on Monday, June 6, 2016 by Permalink |
April 2016 Newsletter
April is National Care Care Month which is very appropriate since the rain is about to start. With rainy season and summer trips after, that it is extremely important your car is operating properly. So bring your car in for a free inspection and tire rotation. We will make sure you...
Written on Monday, April 11, 2016 by Permalink |
March 2016 Newsletter
March is an extremely busy month! With St. Patrick's Day, Spring Break, and March Madness, no one has time to worry about flat tires or breakdowns. So bring your car in for a free inspection and tire rotation. We will make sure your car is in tip-top shape so you can go on with the rest ...
Written on Thursday, March 10, 2016 by Permalink |
February 2016 Newsletter
Tire Hut and crew would like to wish everyone a very Happy Valentine's Day! Tire Hut will now meet or beat all written or advertised price quotes. We will not be undersold. Exclusions apply. As a family owned and operated business for 36 years we only sell what you need. Cons...
Written on Monday, February 8, 2016 by Permalink |
January 2016 Newsletter
Tire Hut and the crew would like to wish everyone a very happy and healthy New Year! Tire Hut is committed to being your tire and automotive center in 2016. As part of that commitment Tire Hut will meet or beat all written or advertised price quotes. We will not be undersold becaus...
Written on Wednesday, January 6, 2016 by Permalink |
December 2015 Newsletter
Tire Hut and all our employees and families would like to wish everyone a very special Happy Holidays and a Very Happy New Year!! We would like to thank you for all of your business and support. We value our customers and their family's health and safety. That is why it is more important...
Written on Monday, December 7, 2015 by Doug Permalink |
November 2015 Newsletter
November to me is the time to take inventory of our lives and decide what we are thankful for. Our family's health and happiness are usually high on everyone's list. We value are family's health and safety. That is why it is more important than ever to make sure your car is in tip-top sh...
Written on Thursday, November 5, 2015 by Permalink |
October 2015 Newsletter
October in South Florida is a spooktacular month! The weather is getting a little cooler, kids activities and sports are up and running and of course there is Halloween. I don't know about you, but I am way too busy to have my car break down or get a flat tire. That is why now is the time ...
Written on Thursday, October 8, 2015 by Permalink |
September 2015 Newsletter
September means back to school and carpools and after-school activities. That means that it is more important than ever to make sure your car is in tip-top shape. Make sure your oil is changed, tires rotated, and windshield wipers are working. There are many manufacturers off...
Written on Friday, September 4, 2015 by Permalink |
August 2015 Newsletter
I honestly cannot believe it is August already. August means back to reality. Back to school and carpools and after-school activities. That means that it is more important than ever to make sure your car is in tip-top shape. Make sure your oil is changed, tires rotated, and windshield wi...
Written on Friday, August 7, 2015 by Permalink |
July Newsletter 2015
July is the time to sit back and relax. Go on trips with the family, play in the water or at the beach and not worry about a thing. But a flat tire, break down, or poor wiper blades can certainly bring you back to reality!! Before you set out on the road or to relax, bring your car in for a ch...
Written on Wednesday, July 8, 2015 by Permalink |
June 2015 Newsletter
Happy June!! Happy Father's Day and Summer!! With school ending people are starting to make plans for lengthy car trips for the summer. Before you set out on the road, bring your car in for a check-up and free tire rotation. Make sure your oil is changed, tires rotated, and windshield wipers a...
Written on Wednesday, June 3, 2015 by Permalink |
May 2015 Newsletter
It's hard to believe it is May already!! With May comes Mother's Day, Graduation for some, and the end of school. People are starting to make plans for lengthy car trips for the summer. Now is the perfect time to make sure your car is in tip-top shape. Make sure your oil is changed, tire...
Written on Thursday, May 7, 2015 by Permalink |
April 2015 Newsletter
Even in South Florida, April showers bring May flowers. Which means now is the time to check that you are not riding on bald tires and that your windshield wipers are working properly. Check out our specials below. Please remember it is always important to make sure your car is in tip-to...
Written on Thursday, April 2, 2015 by Permalink |
March 2015 Newsletter
It's hard to believe that we are already in March! March for many means March Madness!! Come in wearing your favorite Basketball Jersey and receive one free Wiper Blade with the purchase of another. Please remember it is always important to make sure your car is in tip-top shape. Make su...
Written on Thursday, March 5, 2015 by Permalink |
February 2015 Newsletter
Happy Valentine's Day!! Now is the time to go outside and make sure your honey is not driving on bald tires. Also, in this month is Presidents Day. Please see Tire Hut's specials and coupons below in honor of Valentine's Day and Presidents Day. Please make sure your car and your hone...
Written on Thursday, February 5, 2015 by Permalink |
January 2015 Newsletter
Happy New Year!!! It's hard to believe it is 2015 already. I hope everyone received everything they wanted and needed for the holidays. Now is the time to make sure that if you did not receive the tires you needed or the maintenance you needed for your vehicle that you treat yourse...
Written on Wednesday, January 7, 2015 by Permalink |
December 2014 Newsletter
Tire Hut would like to wish everyone a very Happy and Healthy Holiday Season! Please remember our kids, relatives, and friends all drive and have to maintain their vehicles. A gift card from Tire Hut makes an excellent gift for almost everyone. Then even maintenance or new tires pl...
Written on Wednesday, December 3, 2014 by Permalink |
November 2014 Newsletter
It's hard to believe that it is November already! November starts the Holiday Season, with Thanksgiving and then Christmas and New Years is just around the corner. At Tire Hut November is Black November: We are offering special discounts to our Newsletter Customers. Make sure you c...
Written on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 by Permalink |
October 2014 Newsletter
October can have ghoulish weather! Between cold fronts starting to come down with the huge rain and thunderstorms in front of them plus hurricane season, it is extremely important to make sure your car is in tip-top shape. Make sure your oil is changed, tires rotated, and windshield wipers are worki...
Written on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 by Permalink |
September 2014 Newsletter
I cannot believe it is back to school already! Back to the carpools and the after school activities. Also, hurricane season can create more storms. For all of these reasons please make sure your car is in tip-top shape. Make sure your oil is changed, tires rotated, windshield wiper...
Written on Thursday, September 4, 2014 by Doug Permalink |
August 2014 Newsletter
During these months many families go on trips and it is the start of hurricane season. These are two perfect reasons to make sure your car is in tip top shape. Please be sure there is enough tread on your tires to be safe and not hydroplane. Also, make sure your windshield wipers a...
Written on Thursday, August 14, 2014 by Doug Permalink |
June 2014 Newsletter
June represents the end of school and the start of Summer! With summer comes a lot of road trips and traveling. June also marks the start of hurricane season. For all of these reasons now ... read more
Written on Monday, June 16, 2014 by In: | Comments: 0
Tire Hut and Automotive Center Launches User-Friendly Website Solution
Tire Hut and Automotive Center has created a state-of-the-art online presence at The development of the site has helped the Fort Lauderdale-based company to enhance its already exceptional customer service capabilities. Since 1979, Tire Hut and Automotive Center has been the p...
Written on Tuesday, July 12, 2011 by Permalink |
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