October 2014 Newsletter
There are four major benefits of nitrogen filled tires. The biggest benefit is the cost savings. The increased safety benefit of nitrogen is a close second, followed by increased performance and convenience. Nitrogen filled tires have their roots in auto racing, commercial airlines, and long distance trucking. Though these industries would seem to have nothing in common, they do - all are hard on their tires and seek to increase safety, performance, and convenience, while reducing costs. The fact is that nitrogen filled tires stay cooler under stress, like when an airplane lands, a race car driver takes a turn, or a semi-truck spends hours on the interstate. When tires are kept from overheating they perform better and last longer.
They are more convenient. Simply put, most drivers don't like to check their tire pressures or top off their tires when told to by their Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS). There is almost no need to check tire pressures between regular service intervals, like oil changes, with nitrogen filled tires. Studies have shown that regular air leaks out three to four times faster than nitrogen. And because nitrogen slows pressure loss, it decreases false alarms and activation of TPMS.
Click here to view our Automotive and Tire Specials.
Written on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 by Permalink |
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